This week I started my artichokes and peppers on 3/15. I planted them in 6-packs using a 50-50 mix of standard organic potting mix from Moo-Doo, and compost. The compost provides some extra nutrition that peat-based starting mix does not have.
I also started arugula for early greens in my salads, and a new (to me) green or herb called Saltwart. I did one flat of seedlings, and placed them on an electric heat mat designed for the job of warming the soil. Today, 3/20, is the first day of spring and the two greens are up!
Today I am starting spinach seeds indoors in soil blocks. See either of my books, The Vermont Gardner’s Companion or The New Hampshire Gardener’s Companion to learn more about how to do this. Both are available at bookstores, or from my Web site,
Meanwhile, my onions and leeks planted indoors on March 1 are up and looking good. The shallots, a variety called Prisma, did not germinate well, or are very slow in germinating.